Day 27 – Favorite anime opening theme song

Wow, almost 1000 views since I began this blog. It’s not much for many bloggers who’ve been around for awhile, but it’s a nice surprise for me!

-admiration mode- I love you all!

With three days left to go before the end, I present to you this 27th one which was really fun to make: A list of my favorite openings that belong to different music genres I listen to. Of course, I can’t make a long list of all the music genres I appreciate, so I decided on those that popped up in my mind when I was writing. Hope you enjoy!

Alternative Hip-Hop:

Battlecry (Samurai Champloo) by Nujabes

Nu metal:

What’s up People (Death Note) by Maximum the Hormone

Alternative Rock:

Driver’s High (Great Teacher Onizuka) by L’Arc~En~Ciel

Visual Kei:

88 (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) by LM.C


Hanaji by Yuu Kobayashi


Hit in America/Hit In the USA (Beck) by Beat Crusaders


Daia no Hana (Black Cat) by Yoriko

J-Electronic (not really):

Asterisk (Bleach) by Orange Range

Alternative Dance:

Hajimari no Hi (Letter Bee) by Suga Shikao

-sigh- My list of favorite openings goes on…But I posted the ones are that I adored the most for their art and music. Maybe one day I’ll post a list of my favorite 100 openings or something like that.


Day 18 – Something moe

That’s um, really a wide challenge for today. I’ve mentioned before on Day 15 how I avoid most moe things because it’s something that just doesn’t appeal to me: I find it a bit forced. But I do find certain things moe however, such as Chibi characters- Can I consider Chopper from One Piece Chibi? I’m not sure- or little anime girls (Somehow it feels wrong writing that).

When I think moe, I think of this: A cute boy in a maid costume. Or is it supposed to be a girl? >:{D Poor Satoshi…

I find the singer/cellist Kanon Wakeshima very moe, but since she has no relation to anime, I can’t use her for the anime challenge unfortunately.

It was only when I searched through my anime images that I found “something moe”. It was from an anime I watched around January or even before that- my memory is still unclear- anyway, it was a pretty good anime and I was a sucker for the emotional scenes.

The main character cried a lot, but that was a part of his cute charm. He is twelve, and he’s been though a lot in his life.

Hiroyuki Asada, Studio Pierrot, Tegami Bachi, Lag Seeing, Steak (Tegami Bachi)

Lag and Niche (and Steak) from Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee.

Lag and Niche are the cutest main characters I’ve seen in an anime. Lag, the main character, aims the goal of becoming a Letter Bee, a delivery man for the government in order to find out more about his mother that was kidnapped. He also wants to become a Letter Bee to meet again with Gauche, a Letter Bee that “delivered” him to safety just after Lag’s mother was kidnapped.

During his little journey to become a Letter Bee he meets a special little girl he’ll name Niche, who volunteers to be his Dingo (delivery helper) when Lag will be a Letter Bee.

Lag and Niche definitely fit the criteria of moe and when you watch the anime, you just can’t get enough of them.